Audra's Chronicles of Chronic Pain

Mindfulness & Finally Listening

Will Frey is a friend who teaches Mindfulness and has authored Ease into Freedom.  Dr. Adkins also knows Will and suggested I take his classes. Unfortunately, In my current condition that is not an option but I decided to reach out to Will as he is a friend and I have been through sessions with him years ago in a management training program.  I explained what was going on and he agreed to host a private class at my home for just the two of us to teach me mindfulness.  Now, Will has taught me mindfulness I think on two other occasions.  However, I have finally put myself first as the priority.  How do we clear our mind?  How do we choose to react or not to react to our thoughts?  To enhance our own pain?  This all sounds mystical to me in a way and Will has taught me to be patient with myself.  That it takes 21 days at anything to make it a practice.  I was doing well and then the botox happen and I wound up in bed for two days so I had to start over again.  However, in my moments of sitting practice each day of practicing mindfulness from his site I find his voice soothing and reminding me of our class together.  I refer to my notes often and feel as I am finally listening to put myself first, to let the other thoughts pass, and not react.  I am hopeful that this will be a permanent practice so that when I return to work following my medical LOA I will start each day with 10 to 20 minutes before embarking on my day.  It may be best to have 10 min before and 10 after work I don’t know right now it does bring a sense of calm in that time period.  I am thankful for Will being willing to come to my home and I am hopeful when I am well to actually join one of his full classes.  If only I knew when I would be well but I will continue to be patient.
